Of the utilities that you’re in charge of paying for, water can be a huge one. A high water bill can not only be costly, but it could be indicative of a bigger plumbing problem. If you notice that your water bill keeps rising month to month, it’s important to start...
Learning how to shut off the water in your home for plumbing repairs is a valuable skill to have. When you’re experiencing plumbing problems, you’ll want to find out what’s causing them as soon as possible. Delaying the repair work can lead to more extensive—and more...
The average life of a hot water heater is just 12 years. If you’re a homeowner you can expect to install a hot water heater at least once and possibly several times depending on the length of time you own the home. If you are reading this because your hot water heater...
It’s not something we usually think about, but hard water can wreak havoc on your pipes, clothing, and appliances. The high mineral content in hard water can make your skin feel dry, your tap water tastes funny and can quickly form buildups in your shower. If you...
As a homeowner in the Silver State, you are responsible for following all local codes when you’re installing new plumbing fixtures like a hot water heater. You may have heard about water heater straps, but you aren’t sure if they’re actually necessary. Below, we’ll...
One thing every homeowner needs to be concerned about is whether or not your city has hard water. Hard water is more than a nuisance: it’s a costly problem that can cause serious damage to your plumbing, your appliances, and even your skin. If you’ve been wondering...